The last class, the teacher began explaining the different roles that managers play within an organization, which are:
a. Manager as a hero: means that in any situation of success or failure the manager is the target of awards or reviews.
b. Wise manager: is the one that has all the answers and knows everything.
c. Immortal manager: is the manager that is untouchable within the organization.
d. Sexy manager: that is seen as perfect, because the position that they are occupying make them sexy.
e. Manager is never wrong: this is a myth, is connected with the wise manager, because apparently they never make mistakes, the employee is the one that failure.
f. Manager pays the employee: the manager is perceived as the one that has the money and pays the workers.

After this explanation, we had two presentations. The purpose of these presentations were to explain the traditional management, organizational culture and business protocol in Chile and Brazil; and also the explanation of two topics which were Management Styles and Change & Conflict in organizations.
I. Management Style -Brazil-
First of all Brazil, is the largest country in South America, it has a population of 178 million and represents the fifth largest market opportunity in the world. It’s also known for its magnificent culture and landscapes.
a. Traditional Management Style
Based in what was explained, a management style is a method used by managers to leader within an organization, this management will be influenced by the emotions, skills and knowledge of the manager.
There are two classifications of the traditional management styles:
1. Classification (A)
• Democratic
• Autocratic
• Consultative
• Laissez Fare
2. Classification (B)
• Participative
• Directing
• Teamwork
It’s common within Brazilian organization the presence of hierarchical structures, in which the managers are in charge of maintaining the control and giving instructions to their workers to make the assigned tasks.
b. Organizational Culture
According to what was explained in the presentation, basing them in the definition of Schein, organizational culture “is a set of basic assumptions that a group has devised, discovered or developed” in order to face the different external problems of adaptation.

They exposed the case of Embraco S.A., in which its organizational culture is influenced by the Germanic culture, and is characterized for its commitment, excellence, innovation, integrity and respect.
c. Business Protocol
When we talk about business protocol, it means in how people should behave when doing business with others, whether they are of the same culture or another, bearing in mind how to greet, talk, dress, manners and customs that you have to take in account in the business.
Here are some examples of the business protocol in Brazil:
• In Brazil you must say “yes”, “thanks” or “please” during business, “no” is considered rude.
• “Brazilian refers to business colleagues by their first names.”
• The way to talk and communicate is informal.
• Brazilians take a lot of time during the process of negotiation.
• In Sao Paulo and Brasilia is very important the punctuality for meetings.
These are some characteristic of the way to negotiate in Brazil.
II. Conflict & Change -Chile-
a. Management Style in Chile
In Chile, the workers of an organization consider that the ones that are supervisors or managers have that position and role because they have more experience and knowledge to manage.
Chilean organizations are also known for the hierarchical structures within them, in which managers play a role of paternalistic with their employees with the purpose of being guides for them.
Chilean managers are very autocratic, because they assign responsibilities to the workers and expect from them that they make the tasks in the way that they like.
b. Change and Conflict in Organizations
Change in Organizations
According to the text of Primer “Organizational change is any action or set of actions resulting in a shift in direction or process that affects the way an organization works”.
Change is really normal within an organization it helps to continue acquiring the objectives and the vision that the organization has.

There are three types of organizational change, which are:
• Development Change: from something already created, trying to re-create.
• Transitional Change: to stop doing old activities and star doing new ones.
• Transformational Change: it’s a well-planned radical change.
Based on the explanation of the slides and the article of Business Performance Pty; to manage the change process is important to follow the following steps that will assure the success of the process, those steps are:
• Create Tension.
• Harness Support.
• Articulate Goals.
• Nominate Roles.
• Grow capability.
• Entrench Changes.
During the presentation, the team explained an example of Development change within the organization INIA (Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria) in Chile, this organization decided to make a change with the purpose of being for competitive and have a better performance in the agricultural sector.
Conflict in Organizations
When we talk about organizational conflict, means that there is difference or incompatibility of values, goals or cultures among the individuals of an organization.
Based on the book “Contemporary Management” there are four types of conflict:
• Interpersonal conflict.
• Intragroup conflict.
• Intergroup conflict.
• Interorganizational conflict.

There are many ways to manage conflicts within organization, but taking in account the book Psychology in Organizations there are two ways to manage conflict, which are:
• Bargaining: both parties exchange offers, in order to achieve a successful agreement that will solve the conflict.
• Third party interventions: when parties can’t reach and agreement, they look for the aid of a third party that will act as an arbitrator for the conflict.
c. Organizational Culture
Based on the explanation of the team there is another way to explain this concept, which is “an organizational culture is a mixture of ways of behavior and understandings shared by the members of an organization” this will determine the way in what the organization will work and act.
The Chilean workers are characterized for these particularities:
• Paternalism.
• Respect.
• Shyness.
• Individualism.
d. Business Protocol.
As it was explained in the previous topic, business protocol, is the way to behave during the negotiations of a business; in this case is really important to know the Chilean culture, the way that the executives work and negotiate, and always taking in account the manners and customs of them during the business.
Here are some tips for when you are going to make business with Chilean managers or CEO’s:
• Punctuality is very important in business events.
• Chilean businessmen are conservative and take very seriously ethics for business.
• It’s very important to dress up for business meetings.
• Having a little knowledge of the economy and policy of the country is very important during meetings.
• Foreign executives, must show amiability, respect and be clear in their terms and conditions with their counterparts.
To conclude this blog, I’m going to explain the question made by the teacher about what is a manager in the modern organization.
Currently, managers in modern organizations play an important role. First of all, we are in a globalized world that is constantly evolving, which means that managers must be connected with technology and have to manage it. In addition to this feature, it is important that today's managers assign responsibilities to employees in order to speed up the processes thus managers can take decisions easier.
It is important, the contact between the manager and the employee because managers now play a role of facilitators, which means that they play the role of trainers or guides for workers, but should not lose the functions of control and management over them.
Nowadays, managers must have an open mind to the world, as they are facing different cultures, behaviors and attitudes in their business, with their employees and consumers; that is why they should have all the skills and knowledge to handle these entire variables thus ensuring the success of the organization.

Based on the essay “Functions Of Managers In A Modern Organisation”, the writer according to Henry Mintzberg, said that a manager within a modern organization had to hold and develop three important functions, which are:
• Informational, is important that manager gathers information and encourage research among the employees, with the purpose to maintain the success of the company; spreading all the results among them to analyze the qualities and the errors.
• Interpersonal, within a modern organization is important that the manager keeps in contact with employees motivating and influencing them, in order to maintain the progress of the organization.
• Decisional, it’s important that a manger takes good decisions over the projects’ of the organization.
These are some of the main functions that a manger within the modern organizations should have in order to maintain the order, progress and success of the employees and the organization. To end is important that the actual managers play a role of supporters of their employees and its organization, with the intention to continue being efficient and successful.
- Teacher’s explanation.
- Team’s presentations and explanation.
- First image. Achievement Solutions, LLC. The role of the Manager. (Online:
- Image Management Style. CSL, Cartoonstock. Aggressive Management Style Gifts. (Online:
- Image Change. Making Change Happen When You’re Not The Boss. (Online:
- Image Conflict. THOMAS, Andrew. What is Alt Associates: conflict Management Consultants?. (Online: .
- Functions Of Managers In A Modern Organisation. (Online:
- Tan Chee Teik. The manager in the modern workplace: to remain relevant, the new manager must accept innovation and take risks. The modern work. (Online:
- Image modern manager. JERRY, John’s blog. Learning Management Skills. (Online:
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