Tuesday, September 28th 2010
Well, the last class September 22nd we had four presentations which were: Motivation in the Workplace –Argentina-, Organizational Learning –Russia-, Work Ethics –Vietnam- and, Communication and Team Work –USA-. Based on the presentations, I’m going to make a brief summary of each one explaining the traditional management style, organizational culture and business protocol of each country and also explaining each topic.
Argentina is the country with more European influence in their culture, customs and even the way they make business in South America. The argentine society is seen as an educated and progressive culture that constantly is trying to make their best efforts for being recognized nationally and internationally.
a. Management Style in Argentina
Within Argentina, the management style of the managers is recognized for two characteristics for being authoritarians and paternalistic.
The managers are seen as the ones that have the power to take decisions, and must be obeyed and respected. The management style is characterized, for giving direct and clear instructions, and when they work in teams, the members respect the power that each member has.
b. Motivation in the Workplace
Based on the explanation made by the team motivation “is the force that makes us to do things”. Within organizations is important to constantly have an internal motivation, apart from the technological development that a firm could have, it’s important to keep employees motivated so that they are effective and efficient.
To achieve a better environment within organizations and to ensure the motivation of employees within organizations is important the good communication between managers and employees. Also, besides the monetary incentives are also required non-monetary incentives, for example assigning more responsibilities, motivated with the ability to promote them, etc.
c. Organizational Culture
The Argentine organizational culture is characterized for a hierarchical structure, in which the decisions are taken at the top of the structure, in which there is a direct relation between managers an employees, and those assign tasks that have to be followed by the workers and made at the right time.
d. Business Protocol
Taking in account the explanation made by the team, the Argentine business protocol is characterized for the following characteristics:
• It’s really important to avoid vulgar gestures, because for them these are considered offensive.
• Business dinners are used for socialize with your colleagues, with the objective to meet their customs and traditions.
• Punctuality is important for business meetings.
• When is a long business negotiation “It is important not to change your negotiating team because business is based on personal relationships, and these relationships are based on trust.”
These are some tips for when you’re are going to start businesses with Argentine managers, in order to respect their customs, traditions, values, etc.
a. Russian Traditional Management Style
Taking in account the explanation made by the team, the Russian traditional management style is characterized for the following aspects:
• Its business culture is recognized for being complex.
• People tend to have a fatalistic mentality.
• They are recognized for having an orthodox catholic ethic, which implies obedience and respect for the hierarchical structure in the businesses.
• Finally they have changed from a communist to a post communist mentality.
Russian managers are classified in the following styles:
• Technocrats, the Russian technocrats managers, are the ones that are inventive, do not have a high management level, they are strongly clung and guided by the Soviet tradition and its roots. And one of the most important characteristics is that their work style is distinguished for being collectivist, hierarchical and paternalist.
• First entrepreneurs, these are distinguished for being pragmatics, flexible and for being hazardous.
• Modern Russians, are recognized, because when they are making businesses they are more open to new options and tend to be less rigid. This open view or though of making business is a result of its higher business education.
b. Organizational Culture
Taking in account the presentation, the team explained this aspect through a comparison between the organizational culture of Russia and China, Germany and USA. Mainly Russian’s organizational culture is characterized for its high creativity, power distance, individualism and uncertainty avoidance compared with the other countries.
c. Organizational Learning
The organizational learning is the “different ways to design organizations in order that they comply all their functions effectively and help to build a better society”
The organizational learning is divided in four dimensions:
• System level, this level is individual and inter-organizational.
• Learning modes, which are cognitive and cultural.
• Learning typology, that could be adaptive or proactive.
• Learning process, in which there is an exchange and diffusion of knowledge and information.
Finally, I’m going to explain and show a little bit of the Russian business protocol.
d. Business Protocol
The Russian businesses are distinguished for being honest, developed in an environment of patience. It’s important to highlight that when you are making business with Russians there is a scenario of win-lose, because they don’t think that could be win-win scenarios.
The Vietnamese culture is recognized for being a masculine society. It’s also characterized because they consider that actions are more important that words, this “slogan” is of high importance among them.
Ethics in Organizations
According to the presentation, the ethics of an organization “is how an organization ethically responds to an internal or external stimulus”
When we talk about ethics in organizations is important to highlight the following aspects:
a. Business Ethics
When we talk about business ethic, we are referring to the way that worker should act with business, taking in account that they should be responsible and act in the right way.
b. Corporate Compliance
The corporate compliance is when companies are focused on fulfilling the international and national laws and regulations, with the purpose of making their processes in the right way.
c. Corporate Governance
The corporate governance are all the laws, rules and regulations that executives, managers and CEOs use to control themselves and achieve all the responsibilities that were assigned by the stake holders.
d. Corporate Responsibility
The corporate responsibility means that every company must comply with the obligations that it has with its customers or stakeholders.
e. Corporate Social Responsibility
The corporate social responsibilities are all those obligations and responsibilities that the companies have with the societies, in order to achieve the progress and protection of this.
Based on the presentation, there are two different approaches related to the ethics within organizations, which are:
Individualistic approach, which means, that every person belonging a firm is responsible for its own attitude, action and behavior.
Communal approach, says that every community is responsible for the behavior of the members that belong that community.
Vietnamese Business Culture
The Vietnamese business culture is characterized for being very conservative. Within this business culture is respected the hierarchical structure that there is in the firms and in the bargaining. It’s also important to make formal and structured contracts that must written in English and in Vietnamese.
After explaining the Vietnamese business protocol and culture and, about Ethics in Organizations there is one important topic to highlight are the Work Conditions in Vietnam, these working conditions are deplorable and unethical, because most of the people that works in great multinationals, that people do not receive the legal benefits and the correct payment.
The Vietnamese in response to this abuse, have created work unions in order to protect and enforce all their rights.
a. Organizational Culture in USA
Based on what was explained in the presentation, the organizational culture of the American firms is oriented to achieve results and receive short-term benefits. The organizations are recognized for having vertical structure, in which every worker and manager has a visible responsibility and its own supervisor. Finally, the organizational culture of the firms is characterized for its individualism, masculinity, long-term orientation, power distance and uncertainty avoidance.
b. Communication and team work
The communication within organizations has many problems, because there cultural, language and gender difficulties that disrupt the well communication among the workers. The American’s communication style is a mix of aggressive communication for business and assertive communication for regular conversations.
The communication can be divided in the following styles:
• Aggressive communication: problems to understand and communicate with the others.
• Passive communication: this communication is recognized for being very peaceful, and the members that integrate this communications tend to accept and be agreeing with everything.
• Passive-aggressive communication: this type of communication is very manipulated and the parties try to achieve their own goals without taking in account the necessities of the other.
• Assertive communication: is the perfect way to communicate, because parties express directly, honestly which allow them to create a pleasant environment.
Team Work
When we talk about team works we are referring to a group of people that work together in order to achieve the same objectives and goals, but fulfilling the following aspects: good communication, coordination, balance of contributions and efforts.
Working groups in USA tend to work in a very integrated way, in order to comply and achieve the goals assigned to them; however one disadvantage of American team works is that these groups tend to be replaced with new member when they initiate new projects.
c. Traditional Management Style
The management style of USA is distinguished for being very individualistic, which means that every manager and worker is focused in their own responsibilities and departments of work.
The way that managers manage their departments is not really adequate for some people, because as an example, American managers use to disregard the opinions and ideas of the subordinates.
d. Business protocol
The American business protocol is a mix of formal and informal aspects. When managers are making business, they tend to use an aggressive communication for the purpose to achieve the goals that they want to reach.
One of the most important aspects to make business with American managers is the presentation, for them these presentations are essential for decision-making.
Finally, is important to understand its culture, customs and values of the American executives, with purpose of reaching a successful business process.
- Team’s presentations and explanations.
- Image Motivation. Genesis Blogging. Self-Motivation. (Online: http://genesisblogging.com/887/motivation-in-the-workplace-self-motivation-101/%C2%93motivation%C2%94-road-sign-with-dramatic-clouds-and-sky/)
- Image Motivation 2. Work Place Cartoons and Comics. (Online: http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/w/work_place.asp)
- Image Manager. HOSIER, Fred. Is this guy the toughest boss ever?. (Online: http://www.hrblunders.com/tag/tough-boss/)
- Image Organizational Learning. Squidoo. So What's The Big Idea?. (Online: http://www.squidoo.com/organizationallearning)
- Image Work Ethic. Cartoon stock. Work Ethics Cartoons and Comics.(Online: http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/w/work_ethic.asp)
- Image Protocol. Persona Blog. (Online: http://www.japanikuiku.com/)
- Image Communication. Photo by: RODRIGUEZ, Andrés. (Online: http://www.masternewmedia.org/es/2007/02/14/marketing_online_los_medios_tradicionales.htm)
- Image Teamwork. Aprendizaje situacional: una perspectiva integradora. (Online: http://docencia-temasvanzadosdeaprendizaje.blogspot.com/)
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