martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Religious Organizations

Well the last class, the teacher began the topic of Religious Organizations and he made an explanation about the Judaism and the Buddhism.
First of all I’m going to make a brief summary about the topic that was explained in class and, at the end of the blog I’ll answer the question made by the teacher.

To begging based in the teacher’s explanation, the religious institutions are based in creating parameters of life, in order to follow its system of belief.
It was explained; that during the middle the Catholic Religion had a lot of power among the citizens and the rulers of the kingdoms. Almost all the money that a family earned in that age was destined first of all for the Church and then for the kings.

One of the characteristic figures of this age was the Inquisition; this institution was distinguished for having a lot of power and dedicated to the suppression of heresy. But this institution had to stop doing its activities, when Catholicism started to decrease and lose its believers.
From this moment the Church began to lose power, and when the believers became aware of the practices carried out by the Inquisition decided to start in another religion.

Now based on the explanation made by the teacher, I’m going to make a brief summary about Judaism and Buddhism.

First of all, I have to began with a short explanation of the Judaism history:
I have to talk about the Diaspora that was “the movement of people that went from one place to another, and spread in many cities”. The Jews suffered two important Diasporas:

a. The Babylonian Diaspora that was the first one, in which the king Nabucodonosor II expelled all the Jews from Israel and, destroyed the first Temple.
b. The second Diaspora, in which the Romans destroyed the second Temple, which nowadays is the Western Wall.

After the WWII, Jews recovered their lands, but when they returned they found that their lands was already occupied by the Palestinians, this problem created and have created many differences and wars among them.

Jews among them are considered as family, that all the time are sharing things without any interest, because they feel as one family.

The first Buda was called Siddhartha Gautama who was an Indian prince. His father in order to avoid that his son started in any religion, decided to kept him away from any pain, because pain was the entrance to the religion.

When Siddhartha got out of his castle, he realized that there was a lot of pain in the world, so he started feeling pain for what he was watching.
When he started to feel this pain; Siddhartha decided to make a long meditation and, he realized that life is trying to found equilibrium.

There is one thing that creates pain, which is desire. The pain is what makes people reincarnate life after life.
There is one important concept to define that is Samsara, which is the cycle of reincarnation in the Hinduism and Buddhism and the end of this cycle is to trying to stop desiring, which will allow to reach the Nirvana.

Finally to end this blog, I’m going to answer the question made by the teacher, which was:

• What is the difference between a Religious institution and a system of beliefs?

We have to differentiate these two concepts, a Religious Institution is “an institution that is established for not-for-profit and is for religious purposes only”. These institutions are created in order to make known their purposes and beliefs; also are distinguished for promoting and developing religious missions that have the purpose to serve for those that are more vulnerable. Additionally, the Religious Institutions have the task of teaching their beliefs, values and ethics in order to help crating a better society.

While a System of Beliefs or a Belief System is “a way of perceive and interact in a society guided by a set of established moral rules”. These beliefs or precepts determine all our actions, thoughts and behaviors not only of the individuals but also of the governments and rulers.

The Belief Systems can be religious or philosophies, developed by the cultures in order to cover all the necessities that societies require.


- Teacher's explanation.
- Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons. Religious Institutions. (Online:
- Charities Definition Inquiry. Chapter 30: Religious, Scientific and Public Educational Institutions. (Online:
- What Is A Belief System?. (Online:
- Image Inquisición. La inquisición en la edad media (Brujas y Dioses Paganos). (Online:
- Image Judaism. Diversidad del Judaismo actual. . (Online:
- Image Buddhism. Filosofia Oriental. (Online:
- YouTube's video.Belief Systems. Randall Niles.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Presentations' Summaries

Tuesday, September 28th 2010

Well, the last class September 22nd we had four presentations which were: Motivation in the Workplace –Argentina-, Organizational Learning –Russia-, Work Ethics –Vietnam- and, Communication and Team Work –USA-. Based on the presentations, I’m going to make a brief summary of each one explaining the traditional management style, organizational culture and business protocol of each country and also explaining each topic.


Argentina is the country with more European influence in their culture, customs and even the way they make business in South America. The argentine society is seen as an educated and progressive culture that constantly is trying to make their best efforts for being recognized nationally and internationally.

a. Management Style in Argentina
Within Argentina, the management style of the managers is recognized for two characteristics for being authoritarians and paternalistic.
The managers are seen as the ones that have the power to take decisions, and must be obeyed and respected. The management style is characterized, for giving direct and clear instructions, and when they work in teams, the members respect the power that each member has.

b. Motivation in the Workplace
Based on the explanation made by the team motivation “is the force that makes us to do things”. Within organizations is important to constantly have an internal motivation, apart from the technological development that a firm could have, it’s important to keep employees motivated so that they are effective and efficient.
To achieve a better environment within organizations and to ensure the motivation of employees within organizations is important the good communication between managers and employees. Also, besides the monetary incentives are also required non-monetary incentives, for example assigning more responsibilities, motivated with the ability to promote them, etc.

c. Organizational Culture
The Argentine organizational culture is characterized for a hierarchical structure, in which the decisions are taken at the top of the structure, in which there is a direct relation between managers an employees, and those assign tasks that have to be followed by the workers and made at the right time.

d. Business Protocol
Taking in account the explanation made by the team, the Argentine business protocol is characterized for the following characteristics:
• It’s really important to avoid vulgar gestures, because for them these are considered offensive.
• Business dinners are used for socialize with your colleagues, with the objective to meet their customs and traditions.
• Punctuality is important for business meetings.
• When is a long business negotiation “It is important not to change your negotiating team because business is based on personal relationships, and these relationships are based on trust.”

These are some tips for when you’re are going to start businesses with Argentine managers, in order to respect their customs, traditions, values, etc.


a. Russian Traditional Management Style
Taking in account the explanation made by the team, the Russian traditional management style is characterized for the following aspects:
• Its business culture is recognized for being complex.
• People tend to have a fatalistic mentality.
• They are recognized for having an orthodox catholic ethic, which implies obedience and respect for the hierarchical structure in the businesses.
• Finally they have changed from a communist to a post communist mentality.

Russian managers are classified in the following styles:
Technocrats, the Russian technocrats managers, are the ones that are inventive, do not have a high management level, they are strongly clung and guided by the Soviet tradition and its roots. And one of the most important characteristics is that their work style is distinguished for being collectivist, hierarchical and paternalist.
First entrepreneurs, these are distinguished for being pragmatics, flexible and for being hazardous.
Modern Russians, are recognized, because when they are making businesses they are more open to new options and tend to be less rigid. This open view or though of making business is a result of its higher business education.

b. Organizational Culture
Taking in account the presentation, the team explained this aspect through a comparison between the organizational culture of Russia and China, Germany and USA. Mainly Russian’s organizational culture is characterized for its high creativity, power distance, individualism and uncertainty avoidance compared with the other countries.

c. Organizational Learning
The organizational learning is the “different ways to design organizations in order that they comply all their functions effectively and help to build a better society”
The organizational learning is divided in four dimensions:
• System level, this level is individual and inter-organizational.
• Learning modes, which are cognitive and cultural.
• Learning typology, that could be adaptive or proactive.
• Learning process, in which there is an exchange and diffusion of knowledge and information.

Finally, I’m going to explain and show a little bit of the Russian business protocol.

d. Business Protocol
The Russian businesses are distinguished for being honest, developed in an environment of patience. It’s important to highlight that when you are making business with Russians there is a scenario of win-lose, because they don’t think that could be win-win scenarios.


The Vietnamese culture is recognized for being a masculine society. It’s also characterized because they consider that actions are more important that words, this “slogan” is of high importance among them.

Ethics in Organizations
According to the presentation, the ethics of an organization “is how an organization ethically responds to an internal or external stimulus”
When we talk about ethics in organizations is important to highlight the following aspects:

a. Business Ethics
When we talk about business ethic, we are referring to the way that worker should act with business, taking in account that they should be responsible and act in the right way.

b. Corporate Compliance
The corporate compliance is when companies are focused on fulfilling the international and national laws and regulations, with the purpose of making their processes in the right way.

c. Corporate Governance
The corporate governance are all the laws, rules and regulations that executives, managers and CEOs use to control themselves and achieve all the responsibilities that were assigned by the stake holders.

d. Corporate Responsibility
The corporate responsibility means that every company must comply with the obligations that it has with its customers or stakeholders.

e. Corporate Social Responsibility
The corporate social responsibilities are all those obligations and responsibilities that the companies have with the societies, in order to achieve the progress and protection of this.

Based on the presentation, there are two different approaches related to the ethics within organizations, which are:
Individualistic approach, which means, that every person belonging a firm is responsible for its own attitude, action and behavior.

Communal approach, says that every community is responsible for the behavior of the members that belong that community.

Vietnamese Business Culture
The Vietnamese business culture is characterized for being very conservative. Within this business culture is respected the hierarchical structure that there is in the firms and in the bargaining. It’s also important to make formal and structured contracts that must written in English and in Vietnamese.

After explaining the Vietnamese business protocol and culture and, about Ethics in Organizations there is one important topic to highlight are the Work Conditions in Vietnam, these working conditions are deplorable and unethical, because most of the people that works in great multinationals, that people do not receive the legal benefits and the correct payment.

The Vietnamese in response to this abuse, have created work unions in order to protect and enforce all their rights.


a. Organizational Culture in USA
Based on what was explained in the presentation, the organizational culture of the American firms is oriented to achieve results and receive short-term benefits. The organizations are recognized for having vertical structure, in which every worker and manager has a visible responsibility and its own supervisor. Finally, the organizational culture of the firms is characterized for its individualism, masculinity, long-term orientation, power distance and uncertainty avoidance.

b. Communication and team work

The communication within organizations has many problems, because there cultural, language and gender difficulties that disrupt the well communication among the workers. The American’s communication style is a mix of aggressive communication for business and assertive communication for regular conversations.
The communication can be divided in the following styles:
Aggressive communication: problems to understand and communicate with the others.
Passive communication: this communication is recognized for being very peaceful, and the members that integrate this communications tend to accept and be agreeing with everything.
Passive-aggressive communication: this type of communication is very manipulated and the parties try to achieve their own goals without taking in account the necessities of the other.
Assertive communication: is the perfect way to communicate, because parties express directly, honestly which allow them to create a pleasant environment.

Team Work
When we talk about team works we are referring to a group of people that work together in order to achieve the same objectives and goals, but fulfilling the following aspects: good communication, coordination, balance of contributions and efforts.

Working groups in USA tend to work in a very integrated way, in order to comply and achieve the goals assigned to them; however one disadvantage of American team works is that these groups tend to be replaced with new member when they initiate new projects.

c. Traditional Management Style
The management style of USA is distinguished for being very individualistic, which means that every manager and worker is focused in their own responsibilities and departments of work.
The way that managers manage their departments is not really adequate for some people, because as an example, American managers use to disregard the opinions and ideas of the subordinates.

d. Business protocol
The American business protocol is a mix of formal and informal aspects. When managers are making business, they tend to use an aggressive communication for the purpose to achieve the goals that they want to reach.
One of the most important aspects to make business with American managers is the presentation, for them these presentations are essential for decision-making.
Finally, is important to understand its culture, customs and values of the American executives, with purpose of reaching a successful business process.

- Team’s presentations and explanations.
- Image Motivation. Genesis Blogging. Self-Motivation. (Online:
- Image Motivation 2. Work Place Cartoons and Comics. (Online:
- Image Manager. HOSIER, Fred. Is this guy the toughest boss ever?. (Online:
- Image Organizational Learning. Squidoo. So What's The Big Idea?. (Online:
- Image Work Ethic. Cartoon stock. Work Ethics Cartoons and Comics.(Online:
- Image Protocol. Persona Blog. (Online:
- Image Communication. Photo by: RODRIGUEZ, Andrés. (Online:
- Image Teamwork. Aprendizaje situacional: una perspectiva integradora. (Online:

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

North Korea & Emotions in the Workplace

September 21st, 2010

Well the last class, we made a discussion and watched a video about the situation in North Korea; and then there was a presentation about Emotions in the workplace focused on Japan.

North Korea
North Korea is known for being a totalitarian country, in which the last and actual president are seen as a godlike figures, which makes that all the citizens must show respect and allegiance to them. Within the society the president is seen as person that never is wrong and as someone that has the right answer for everything.
The country is presented as a militarized country, where everything is focused on recruiting men to integrate the army and being available to serve to its president.
As was shown in the video anyone arriving to the country is accompanied by a "guide" that acts as vigilant and informant, who has the power to decide if a tourist can stay or has to go taking in account the tourist’s behave.
The country's infrastructure is geared to military defense, with large military weapons, which they say is for their own defense.
They have a great road infrastructure, for not passing cars because as there is absence of private property, only those who belong to the government can have car.
North Korea is characterized for being a country, in where their leaders create false truths with the objective to look good in front of the international community.
Finally, North Korea is recognized for being a totalitarian regime, that prohibits the free expression and to take their own decisions, because if they try to do that the can be punished.

Now I’m going to make a brief summary about the presentation Emotions in the workplace focused on Japan. I’m going to explain the traditional management style, business protocol and organizational culture in Japan; and explanation of the Emotions in the workplace.
First of all, Japan is one of the most important economies of the world; it’s also characterized for their development of technologies and manufactures. Its culture is influenced by Taoist, Confucian, Asian and Western ideas.

Traditional Management Style

According to the presentation, the management style is focused on cooperation and mutual obligation, rather than equality. The traditional Japanese management style is characterized for its efficiency within the firms and businesses.
The management is characterized for the scientific management, which emphasizes the role of management and direction within processes. This process of management is distinguished for consensual and decentralized decision-making, in creation of good relations among workers, etc.

Organizational Culture
Based on the explanation made by the team, the Japanese organizational culture is based in eight principles:
• National Identity
• The notion of Confucianism
• Loyalty
• Group Orientation
• Formal authority and personal influence
• Obligations
• Closed business culture
• Business trust
These are the fundamental principles that should be within a Japanese organization in order to be success.

Emotions in the workplace
First of all, emotions “are psychological and physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or events that create a state of readiness

When we talk about emotions in the work place, we refer to the way that people control and manage their emotions during interpersonal contact. Many times, within the organizations workers have to show and abide good emotions when they are in contact with co-workers, suppliers, executives, etc.

Business Protocol
As I have explained in previous blogs, the business protocol is how people should behave when they are in contact with colleagues when making business, trying to adapt to the customs, traditions and protocols during the bargains. Based on the presentation, some protocols are:
• Japanese prefer to do business on the basis of personal relationships.
• Appointments are required to do in several weeks in advance.
• It is best to phrase questions so that they can answer yes.
• Business cards are really important, etc.

- Teacher’s explanation.
- Video about North Korea.
- Presentation of Emotions in the workplace – Japan -
- Image. Managing emotions. (Online:
- Image Japanese protocol. Japanese Etiquette & Protocol. (Online:

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Expatriates & Migration II

September 15th, 2010

Expatriates & Migration II

Keeping with the topic of Expatriates and migration, I’m going to add some concepts to make this topic much clearer. I’ll also make a brief summary of the presentation about The role of workers and migrant workers in South Korea.
The last objective of this blog is to answer the question made by the teacher about the cultural difference between North Korea and South Korea.

First of all I’m going to add some concepts about expatriates and migration based on the teacher’s explanation:

Hostile Reception
Within this concept there is one really important which is xenophobic that is the fear for foreign people. According to the explanation, human’s mind and people prefer to deal with what they know. The social invisibility is another concept that is related with this topic, because the society and the governments ignore many times immigrants, which causes many times troubles within the societies. Also there is a political, economical and legal abandonment, which do not offer them many guarantees in the country in which they are staying. Another really important and which is really common within the countries that receive many immigrants is the discrimination.

Informal Organizations
One issue that is really common within the countries, are the informal organizations, which are “organizations that operate in illegality but not with antisocial objectives. They had in mind legal goals.” These organizations are characterized because, they don’t have high technology, there is not a well-established organizational structure and finally they are not legally registered and constituted.
Within these informal organizations are the informal workers who are the ones that are self-employees, sometimes they are unpaid family employees and for many other reasons.
Some elements that characterize the informal organizations and workers are the high or low entry or exit of barriers, the abuse of power, the irregular salaries for workers, the illegal control of certain activities, the lack of control by the government, etc.
The informal jobs and organizations cause many social problems, some of them are: they don’t pay taxes, no warranties for products and workers and, social discomfort among the people.

Finally the reasons that cause these informal situations are the migrations, the absence of the government, unemployment and, the lack of legal and financial opportunities for the people.

Before answering the teacher’s question I’m going to make a brief summary about the presentation The role of workers and migrant workers in South Korea.
First of all I’ll begin explaining about the role of the workers which means that now a days workers have to be well prepared, achieving all their activities, goals and using all their skill with the purpose of being effective. Another concept to take in account is the migrant worker “is a person who is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national” that goes to another country trying to find a better opportunity of job.
Before explaining the traditional management in South Korea, I’ll say that South Korea is located in the southern of the Korean peninsula; its economy is based on industries, agriculture, automobile productions, etc.

Traditional Management Style
The Korean management style is well influenced by the Japanese style. Its management is characterized for being planned, organized, controlled, led and motivate which allow them to have a successful management.

Organizational Culture
Within the Koreans organizations, workers develop good relations among them and also with their colleagues. Also is really important to spend a lot of time to create good relations.
Something that allows having good work relations between employees and manager is spending some times among them, with the purpose to consolidate these relations.

Business Protocol
As I have explained in previous blogs, the business protocol is how people should behave when doing business with others colleagues, trying to adapt to the customs, traditions and protocols during making business.
Based on the presentation for South Koreans is really important to respect their Korean etiquette, including respect for positions and hierarchy; taking in account all their manners, how to greet, talk and the right dresses to use.

To end this blog I’m going to answer the question made by the teacher about, why is there a cultural difference between North and South Korea?

The main reason that caused this cultural difference was the Korean War. First of all, because South Korea was influenced by the democracy which gave them the freedom and liberty that allow to that society to be more prosperous and with an open mind; while North Korea was influenced by the communism of the URSS, which created among their country a hostile space that is close to the rest of the world.
It was from this war that began this cultural difference, there are differences of thoughts, religions, cultures, manners and ideologies between the two societies. Based on the article of Rit Nosotro “What caused the differences between North and South Korea?” the North Korean immigrant that receives South Korea are treated in a different way because they are not related with that new system, most of the time they are discriminated because between them they have dialect differences. Their religious thoughts are different, because North Koreans have their President as a godlike figure, while most of South Koreans accept the existence of God.

Teacher’s explanation and presentation.

Team’s presentation and explanation “The role of workers and migrant workers in South Korea.”

NOSOTRO, Rit. The differences between North and South Korea. (Online:

Image Informal Organization. Design Studio. Informal Organizational Structure. (Online:

Image Cultural Differences. Thoughtpick’s blog. (Online:

Migrants Worker’s image. MailOnline. SLACK, James. Labour finally admits minuscule benefit each migrant brings to Britain - just 58p a week. (Online:

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


Monday, September 6th 2010


Well after we finish the topic related to the manager and its different roles within the organizations; the last class we started the topic the expatriates and migration in the companies and there was a presentation about the Merging Processes and some information about the organizational culture and business protocol in China.
I’m going to start making the explanation about what is expatriates and migration in companies, based on the presentation made by the teacher.

Probably we can think that expatriate and migration is the same thing, but there is an important difference between this two, which is:
Expatriate: “is a professional that temporally or permanently is residing in a different country from where he/she is, because he has skills, works in his own profession and has an advantage in the company that he is going in the other country”.

Expatriates in the companies are really important because they bring the knowledge and experience that they have to that organization, with the purpose of fulfilling the job that the company is requiring and that cannot be done by a local worker because maybe it doesn’t have the experience and ability to fulfill it. Another important aspect about expatriates is that they become ambassador of their culture in the foreign country; they have the complete support of the organization because they are the ones that have the ability and experience to manage.

Migration: “is a phenomenon in which an individual or group moves from its habitat towards a new location, implying permanence in the new place”.

When we talk about migration, we’re referring to a change from one country to another or the change from one culture to another. The people that migrates has to adapt to a new culture and to find another job different from which they performed in their home country.
We have to identify two concepts related with the migration, which are:
• Immigration.
• Emigration.
There are many reasons that cause migration at a national and transnational level, which are:
• Armed conflicts.
• Health and education situations.
• Environmental conditions.
• Economic difficulties, etc

Well after this explanation about expatriates and migration, I’m going to make a summary about the presentation made in class about Merging Processes in Organizations, and a bit refer to the Business Protocol and the Organizational Culture in China.

I. Traditional Management Style -China-
Before star talking about the traditional management in China, I’ll begin saying that China is one of the most populous states of the world, is governed by the Communist Party of China. It’s characterized for a high educational system, a multi-religious country and a culture based on the traditional Chinese values and for the influence of the Confucianism.
Now talking about the traditional management, the Chinese management is characterized by the directive, which means that the senior manager assigns the responsibilities to it directs managers that these ones then will give the instructions to the others. Within the company managers should be seen with respect and loyalty, which have the responsibility to seek a general interest in the organization for the proper functioning of this.

II. Merging Process.
A merging process is a “business combination transaction involving the combination of two or more companies into a single entity.”, the merging process should be approved by the company’s shareholders. This process is characterized for seven steps:
• Planning and preparation.
• Marketing.
• Relationship building and negotiation.
• Due diligence.
• Approvals and communication.
• Conversion.
• Post-merger.
Apart from the difficulties of financing, due diligence, closing and taxation; the purpose of the merging process is to create shareholders values, gain an important market share and also be more efficient within the organization.

III. Organizational Culture in China.
Within the Chinese organizational culture there is an important business element that is the “guanxi” this explains the relationships and the connections within the Chinese organizations, which will give the right support and cooperation among the Chinese workers.

IV. Business Protocol.
Within the Chinese Business Protocol is really important the communication and the information, the communication because you’ll need and intermediary to make business and, the information because you have to inform to your business partner about you company.
Punctuality and making appointments for business meeting is really important for the Chinese executives. It’s also important to make a previous agenda and send to the Chinese colleagues with the purpose of having a more successful meeting. Pay a lot of attention to business cards and show respect and patience during the business negotiations.
These are some tips for when you are going to make business with Chinese managers.

To end this topic, I will answer the question made by teacher about which should be my attitude or role with immigrants.

I’ll begin saying that immigrants as people who are looking for a better quality of life in other countries, that tries to give to their families a better future.
Instead of showing an attitude of rejection and contempt for them, I should show an attitude of respect, tolerance, and solidarity. Apart from this being a hospitable person seeking to collaborate on what they need but everything within legal limits. All this in order to have a better life with them, avoiding the bad disagreements, and thus achieving a peaceful and livable coexistence.

- Teacher's explanation and presentation.

- Merging Process -China-. Team's presentation.

- Image Expatriate. Sanjeev Himachal. Challenges for Expatriates – Assimilating in new Culture and Country. (Online:

- Image. Merging Process. PONTEFRACT, Dan. IT & HR: Should they merge?. (Online:

- Image Migration. Emigrating Cartoons and Comics. (Online:

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

The Manager & Presentations

Monday, August 30th 2010


The last class, the teacher began explaining the different roles that managers play within an organization, which are:
a. Manager as a hero: means that in any situation of success or failure the manager is the target of awards or reviews.
b. Wise manager: is the one that has all the answers and knows everything.
c. Immortal manager: is the manager that is untouchable within the organization.
d. Sexy manager: that is seen as perfect, because the position that they are occupying make them sexy.
e. Manager is never wrong: this is a myth, is connected with the wise manager, because apparently they never make mistakes, the employee is the one that failure.
f. Manager pays the employee: the manager is perceived as the one that has the money and pays the workers.

After this explanation, we had two presentations. The purpose of these presentations were to explain the traditional management, organizational culture and business protocol in Chile and Brazil; and also the explanation of two topics which were Management Styles and Change & Conflict in organizations.

I. Management Style -Brazil-
First of all Brazil, is the largest country in South America, it has a population of 178 million and represents the fifth largest market opportunity in the world. It’s also known for its magnificent culture and landscapes.

a. Traditional Management Style
Based in what was explained, a management style is a method used by managers to leader within an organization, this management will be influenced by the emotions, skills and knowledge of the manager.
There are two classifications of the traditional management styles:
1. Classification (A)
• Democratic
• Autocratic
• Consultative
• Laissez Fare

2. Classification (B)
• Participative
• Directing
• Teamwork
It’s common within Brazilian organization the presence of hierarchical structures, in which the managers are in charge of maintaining the control and giving instructions to their workers to make the assigned tasks.

b. Organizational Culture
According to what was explained in the presentation, basing them in the definition of Schein, organizational culture “is a set of basic assumptions that a group has devised, discovered or developed” in order to face the different external problems of adaptation.

They exposed the case of Embraco S.A., in which its organizational culture is influenced by the Germanic culture, and is characterized for its commitment, excellence, innovation, integrity and respect.

c. Business Protocol
When we talk about business protocol, it means in how people should behave when doing business with others, whether they are of the same culture or another, bearing in mind how to greet, talk, dress, manners and customs that you have to take in account in the business.
Here are some examples of the business protocol in Brazil:
• In Brazil you must say “yes”, “thanks” or “please” during business, “no” is considered rude.
• “Brazilian refers to business colleagues by their first names.”
• The way to talk and communicate is informal.
• Brazilians take a lot of time during the process of negotiation.
• In Sao Paulo and Brasilia is very important the punctuality for meetings.
These are some characteristic of the way to negotiate in Brazil.

II. Conflict & Change -Chile-
a. Management Style in Chile
In Chile, the workers of an organization consider that the ones that are supervisors or managers have that position and role because they have more experience and knowledge to manage.
Chilean organizations are also known for the hierarchical structures within them, in which managers play a role of paternalistic with their employees with the purpose of being guides for them.
Chilean managers are very autocratic, because they assign responsibilities to the workers and expect from them that they make the tasks in the way that they like.

b. Change and Conflict in Organizations
Change in Organizations
According to the text of Primer “Organizational change is any action or set of actions resulting in a shift in direction or process that affects the way an organization works”.
Change is really normal within an organization it helps to continue acquiring the objectives and the vision that the organization has.

There are three types of organizational change, which are:
• Development Change: from something already created, trying to re-create.
• Transitional Change: to stop doing old activities and star doing new ones.
• Transformational Change: it’s a well-planned radical change.

Based on the explanation of the slides and the article of Business Performance Pty; to manage the change process is important to follow the following steps that will assure the success of the process, those steps are:
• Create Tension.
• Harness Support.
• Articulate Goals.
• Nominate Roles.
• Grow capability.
• Entrench Changes.

During the presentation, the team explained an example of Development change within the organization INIA (Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria) in Chile, this organization decided to make a change with the purpose of being for competitive and have a better performance in the agricultural sector.

Conflict in Organizations
When we talk about organizational conflict, means that there is difference or incompatibility of values, goals or cultures among the individuals of an organization.
Based on the book “Contemporary Management” there are four types of conflict:
• Interpersonal conflict.
• Intragroup conflict.
• Intergroup conflict.
• Interorganizational conflict.

There are many ways to manage conflicts within organization, but taking in account the book Psychology in Organizations there are two ways to manage conflict, which are:
• Bargaining: both parties exchange offers, in order to achieve a successful agreement that will solve the conflict.
• Third party interventions: when parties can’t reach and agreement, they look for the aid of a third party that will act as an arbitrator for the conflict.

c. Organizational Culture
Based on the explanation of the team there is another way to explain this concept, which is “an organizational culture is a mixture of ways of behavior and understandings shared by the members of an organization” this will determine the way in what the organization will work and act.
The Chilean workers are characterized for these particularities:
• Paternalism.
• Respect.
• Shyness.
• Individualism.

d. Business Protocol.
As it was explained in the previous topic, business protocol, is the way to behave during the negotiations of a business; in this case is really important to know the Chilean culture, the way that the executives work and negotiate, and always taking in account the manners and customs of them during the business.
Here are some tips for when you are going to make business with Chilean managers or CEO’s:
• Punctuality is very important in business events.
• Chilean businessmen are conservative and take very seriously ethics for business.
• It’s very important to dress up for business meetings.
• Having a little knowledge of the economy and policy of the country is very important during meetings.
• Foreign executives, must show amiability, respect and be clear in their terms and conditions with their counterparts.

To conclude this blog, I’m going to explain the question made by the teacher about what is a manager in the modern organization.

Currently, managers in modern organizations play an important role. First of all, we are in a globalized world that is constantly evolving, which means that managers must be connected with technology and have to manage it. In addition to this feature, it is important that today's managers assign responsibilities to employees in order to speed up the processes thus managers can take decisions easier.
It is important, the contact between the manager and the employee because managers now play a role of facilitators, which means that they play the role of trainers or guides for workers, but should not lose the functions of control and management over them.
Nowadays, managers must have an open mind to the world, as they are facing different cultures, behaviors and attitudes in their business, with their employees and consumers; that is why they should have all the skills and knowledge to handle these entire variables thus ensuring the success of the organization.

Based on the essay “Functions Of Managers In A Modern Organisation”, the writer according to Henry Mintzberg, said that a manager within a modern organization had to hold and develop three important functions, which are:

• Informational, is important that manager gathers information and encourage research among the employees, with the purpose to maintain the success of the company; spreading all the results among them to analyze the qualities and the errors.
• Interpersonal, within a modern organization is important that the manager keeps in contact with employees motivating and influencing them, in order to maintain the progress of the organization.
• Decisional, it’s important that a manger takes good decisions over the projects’ of the organization.

These are some of the main functions that a manger within the modern organizations should have in order to maintain the order, progress and success of the employees and the organization. To end is important that the actual managers play a role of supporters of their employees and its organization, with the intention to continue being efficient and successful.

- Teacher’s explanation.
- Team’s presentations and explanation.
- First image. Achievement Solutions, LLC. The role of the Manager. (Online:
- Image Management Style. CSL, Cartoonstock. Aggressive Management Style Gifts. (Online:
- Image Change. Making Change Happen When You’re Not The Boss. (Online:
- Image Conflict. THOMAS, Andrew. What is Alt Associates: conflict Management Consultants?. (Online: .
- Functions Of Managers In A Modern Organisation. (Online:
- Tan Chee Teik. The manager in the modern workplace: to remain relevant, the new manager must accept innovation and take risks. The modern work. (Online:
- Image modern manager. JERRY, John’s blog. Learning Management Skills. (Online:

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010


Tuesday, August 17th 2010

Well after the class of organizational culture in the class of August 11th; the teacher began explaining what meant Corporate Cultural Diversity focusing in the organization, which is the multiple interaction of cultures inside of it. This interaction creates a new culture within the company that becomes richer in knowledge and learning. However this cultural interaction creates certain differences between people because they have different thoughts, ideas and values, creating what is known as polarization.

Within the corporate cultural diversity exists a cultural added value, which means that each culture within a company has the ability to change the way that people see them and the rest of the organization.

During the class we did an activity we did an activity of looking for in the cafeteria a group of students identifying if they had a leader, they were doing any activity, and how they communicated, etc. In my group, we found a group formed by seven people, two girls and five boys, they were very sociable, and they seemed like engineers. Two of them were studying and the rest talking and making some jokes. There wasn’t a leader and a specific topic.

To finish is really important to consider the diversity appreciation that is the ability to have sense of tolerance respecting the ideas, thoughts and the other cultures without any limitation. That is why there must be good communication between people that integrates a group or a company, understanding their attitudes and actions in order to overcome any difference, especially the ethnocentrism and the visual obstinacy.

- Teacher's explanation and slides.
- First image, Multicultural Cartoons and Comics. Cartoon Stock (Online:
- Second image, Cultural Diversity Cartoons and Comic. Cartoon Stock (Online:

lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Organizational Culture

Monday, August 9th 2010

Why Organizational Culture?

According with the definition that the teacher gave; culture “is a compound of habits, behaviors, customs and some many different ways to interact in order to have an identity”.
The Organizational Culture is important, because:
1. Generate human resources, which means to be competitive.
2. Generate Cultural paradigms.

The generation of Organizational Culture has different steps, which are very important at the moment of constructing the Organizational Culture inside the company, with the purpose of obtaining good results inside of it, those steps are:
1. Philosophy of the founders.
2. The selection of the criteria.
3. The Top Management
4. The Socialization.
5. The last step is the Organizational Culture, which depends on the proper functioning of the above steps.

The way that people in the company sees the Organizational Culture is known as Subjective Vision, which has the following characteristics:
a. Shared assumptions, which means to have a collective behavior.
b. Shared values, means in what people believe.
c. Shared meanings, means the way that people interpret the actions taken inside the company.
d. Shared Understandings, means, which it helps to understand why certain decisions and changes are taken inside the company.
e. Shared corporate image, means on how people sees the company, its development, actions and image.

There are several characteristics of the Organizational Cultures, which are:
1. Members’ identity.
2. Emphasis on groups, not people.
3. Indirect focus on people.
4. Integration of units.
5. Control.
6. Risk tolerance.
7. Rewards criteria.
8. Emphasis to ends or to means.
9. Open system approach.
These characteristics are really important to the development of the organizational culture, because through the good functioning of these ones would be a great functioning of the company.

As is shown in the picture it's really important to fulfill all these characteristics and steps of the organizational culture, with the purpose of having a good development and accomplishment of it and all the goals that the company has established; and trying to avoid the breaking of the structure.

- Teacher's slides and explanation.
- Image. "Take CARE of your Organizational Culture: Engage the Frontline Personnel". (Online:

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010


Monday, August 2nd 2010

Well after my first class of Organizations and Culture, in which the teacher explained all the methodology that we would have during the semester for the subject. In our class of July 28th, we watched the documentary "The Corporation", from the birth of these ones until the perception that the society has of it.

Since many years ago corporations were not really important, was after the process of industrialization that they got an important role and the modern corporations began to appear. Corporations are legal persons that shouldn't just be seen as business, they have been developing important activities with the purpose to benefit them and the society too.
Despite the good deeds that companies have carried out, they have been involved in many social and environmental problems. About the social problems, there have been allegations that important corporations for example Nike Inc, has plants in countries such as China and Bangladesh where labor-hand is cheap and take advantage of it exploiting them. For the environmental problems, important companies like Exxon, General Electric, etc, are responsible for many environmental problems such as toxic waste and pollution that have caused many diseases, and as Samuel Epstein said, "Industries are responsible of epidemic cancer". For this problem, companies like we saw in the documentary are now being punished with fines, trying with this that they reduce the contamination of the environment.

But now corporations are committing with social and environmental problems; trying to improve the conditions of its own workers and the environmental conditions, with the purpose of contributing to the progress of the societies around the world.

After we watched some chapters of the documentary, we made a discussion about five good things that corporations have, here are some classmates’ opinions:
• “They provide employment”
• “They analyze that they are hearting people and the environment”
• “They are realizing that they can’t continue doing the same”
• “They improve the quality of life”
• “They could reach all the places of the world”

Now I’m going to solve the question that was made by the teacher in class, which was: Explain the role of the Corporations in the actual context.

As was showed in the documentary "The Corporation", for some ones corporations do not have a good image to society and world, they are seen as organizations which only seek to make money; however, over time they have been committing more and more with social and environmental situations. As Fidel G. Collazos presented, in his text Las Corporaciones Transnacionales. Una Visión Contemporanea; nowadays corporations have become transnational, because they have a great influence over all the nations of the world. Currently they play an important role, apart to be gaining profits, its role has gone much further, they have committed with the progress of the society. As Mr. Collazos defined “These giant economic organizations, are the result of a long process of business development, is now a colossal force, whose influence goes beyond the economic sphere and became really important in the social and political life of nations"(1). According with Mr. Collazos, "Corporations have been founded by capitals of a single nation and, although they operate in several countries, its headquarter is in the origin country”(2) , which guarantees that its structure be a support for all the global performance of the corporation.

To finish, here is an example of the role of corporations, based on the article "UN highlights role of transnational corporations in transitioning to low-carbon future", which shows the great commitment that all corporations specially the most important of the world, began to make an agreement on trying to reduce the emission of gases, in keep looking for new energy sources for all their activities and in benefit of the world.


- Documentary "The Corporation".
- (1) Collazos, Fidel Guillermo. Corporaciones Transnacionales. Una Visión Contemporánea. Santiago, 2004. (Online: Own translation from the original text.
- (2) Collazos, Fidel Guillermo. Corporaciones Transnacionales. Una Visión Contemporánea. Santiago, 2004. (Online: Own translation from the original text.
- UN News Centre. UN highlights role of transnational corporations in transitioning to low-carbon future. July 22nd, 2010. (Online: